Showing posts with label Eden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eden. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2021

Must We Fall in Love?

Eve and colleague Adam

tripped over an apple and fell.

A snake smirked. I myself

have fallen in love

after stumbling over

a load of infatuation,

or bumbling through

a course of social

obstacles: slapstick

Casanova. This falling

in love sounds so fateful,

injurious, actionable--

beset by heartfelt

soreness, bruised feelings,

ego deflation. We're liable

to dislike it. The idea of love

sells tickets and products

and rosy futures: thus are

we encouraged to take

risks, show caution the door.

Well, we might think of

leaning in love, after a

light repast and several

laughs. Or rolling in love,

weaving like in-line

skaters near the beach,

glad and balanced.

Yes I know it's counter-

cultural, but what about a

steady climb into love?

One foot after another?

No, I guess not. Passion's

ever the fashion. Good luck.

hans ostrom 2021

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Meet the Snake

The temperature
of wherever I
am becomes my
mood. My gold
eyes come from
Earth's first fires.
I taste air with
my tongue,
unhinge my jaws,
and swallow
something to 
kill hunger. 
Something live.
It dies inside
me squirming.
I coil in cold,
lengthen in
heat, walk
with my belly,
always watching
for hawks. I'm
nothing like you
think I am. I'm
not your Garden
Tempter: that's
your dream. I
keep a pale blue
gem in the middle
of my mind.

hans ostrom 2020

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Eve's Note to Adam

Thank you for the box
of twigs. How did you come to think
to save them? And the pebbles, too.
Pebbles and twigs, apples
and figs, ah what a summer it was
even though we got evicted.

hans ostrom 2018

Monday, January 23, 2017

Eve and Adam Evicted by Landlord

So after Eve and Adam got their Know on,
God evicted them, but notice please
that Eden stayed right there, the primest
piece of real estate there ever was,
and was not, for sale. It is a glorious
space, ipso and facto. It's round and flat
and low and high and wet and dry,
packed with flora, also fauna, and
maybe, yes, a sauna, oh why not?
Can I tell you where it is and why?
Oh, I wish. Or do I? Better not to know,
perhaps, Wasn't that the lesson of
eviction? Let's  ask dove and crow.

hans ostrom 2017

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Adam's Song

I'm eating dried figs,
am very depressed.
I'm totally naked but
feel like I'm dressed.

There's no one to compare
Eve to. She's nice.
Today I named some little
creatures "mice."

Sometimes my body changes
when I see Eve.
When she touches the change
I never want to leave.

I have this feeling something
bad will happen soon.
I don't know why.
I asked the moon.

The moon talks to me in ways
the sun will not.
The moon is very cool and
the color of my snot.

The moon said, "Things happen,
things change.
And God may disarrange what
God arranged."

I am Adam. This is
my own weird song.
If you're passing through
Eden, sing along.

hans ostrom 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Song: Another Kind of Eden

It's another kind of Eden, I supposed.
What do you think: Should we remove our clothes?
We're on a rugged beach.
The seagulls strut and screech.
And in the sun your lovely person glows.

hans ostrom 2016

Friday, August 15, 2008

Exonerate the Snake?

Some blank verse for Friday, then:

Exonerate the Snake?

The Bible and John Milton blame the Fall
On Slim--the slender slitherer alleged
To have approached Ms. Eve and sold her on
The idea of the Fruit. With deference
And all respect that's due and duly orthodox,
I have my doubts. The snake? A pea-brained length
Of skinny tubing lying in the grass?
A narrow fellow, as Ms. Emily said?
Okay: I know a boa can enwrap
A human or a cow and swallow whole.
Sure, cobras, vipers, rattler, and mocassins
And such can strike and kill. But please. Hold on.
Be serious. If we insist on saying snakes
Must take the fall for loss of Paradise,
It seems we run the risk of looking low--
Yes, lower than the snake. We chose to cast
Off innocence for worldliness, and God
Said, "Fine. I call it sin, and I say it's wrong.
What's more, I think it's dumb. Your lease is up.
Get out of Eden." What happened then, it seems
Was something between God and human kind.
To blame a lowly flicker of the tongue,
A crawler with cold blood and clammy hide,
Seems more than just a bit convenient.
Let's take the rap. The fault was ours, not Snake's.

Hans Ostrom

Copyright 2008 Hans Ostrom